Qualified PGA Teaching Professional


wedge method

Lob Wedge:

This club requires a special technique which can only be acquired with some dedicated practice. The lob wedge has 60 deg loft with a designed bounce sole for its purpose. It requires a technique not like any other fairway iron. For the club to be used effectively the technique is modified to produce a shallow divot which in turn enables full use of the bounce sole. Knowledge in this shot can be a significant saver of strokes, as well as a good source of added confidence for you. Never overlook the value of the 60 degree club in building a better game.


Purpose: To create a shallow divot and use the bounce of the club.


The toe of the club can be turned slightly outward.

Taking  the club back with a pick-up action or with minimal wrist action is essential to creating a shallow divot. You lift rather than swing the club back.

Distance is determined by the length of the backswing, rather than by any conscious effort to put power into the shot. Allow the wrists to break back only as the point of the backswing lift is reached.

In the downswing, arms perform the duty of a fulcrum, emphasis are on the use of the hands through impact.

Spot the finer points of difference between a pitch wedge shot and a 60 deg. Lob shot.

Playing at a wooden tee pushed into the ground (1/2” of clearance) illustrates the differences. The wedge pitch will hit the tee with the leading edge, cutting the tee and disturbing the turf. The correct technique for the lob wedge will hit the tee with its bottom bounce sole, thus pushing the tee further into the ground. This is a great practice routine for you to get the feeling in your hands for this special shot.