Qualified PGA Teaching Professional



If your upswing is right, then the natural reaction of your body muscles will ensure a correct downswing, hit and follow-through.

If you interpret ‘wind-up’ as ‘rotate’ you now cannot reverse your movement and in doing so will return the clubhead to the ball across the intended line of aim, outside-to-in.

Many new golfers are not aware that there are two types of hip actions you can use in golf. Lateral action, where the hips combine a lateral movement with a medium pivot. Or a pivoting action by a twisting motion where the hips revolve on a spot. As a preference for all golfers I recommend the lateral action as the one most reliable to groove your swing and use when playing on the golf course.

The salient point is not on the details but the idea of how the initial start to your swing needs to be correct. Taking your current opening movement and reversing it from impact to the commencement of your follow-through is the one to take out onto the course. Experience has taught me that the simplest way to play golf is by the use of straight forward methods producing straight forward shots. It is far better to work out a technique of your own than to try to imitate someone else’s swing.